Two new toppers completes Scotts 2020 line-up

Ten years since introducing its first haulm topper, Scotts has this month launched two new machines, making its range the most comprehensive available.

Scotts’ first topper – the Trinity 22B 2 row haulm topper – has over the years been joined by the Trinity 6000 six row folding topper, Trinity 22 Bulb Specific flower bulb version and the Trinity 30B, which can work on three 36″ rows of four 30″ rows.

This month, Scotts unveiled the Trinity 36B four row topper and the Trinity 54B. The company also announced plans for an 8 and nine row models, which will be available in 2021.

The Trinity 36B features dual drive and a split rotor with centre bearing and has been designed as an affordable high output machine for growers with less than 300 acres.

The second new machine – the Trinity 54B – features the same style of drive and rotor as the 36B but comes complete with road wheel and drawbar. Scotts introduced the 54B model to offer a high output, six row topper, at a lower price point of its flagship Trinity 6000 folding version.

“We believe that by launching these two models and announcing that our development work on an eight and  nine row version has reached its final stage, we have the broadest range of toppers in the UK,” says Derek Scott, managing director. “We know just how challenging things are at the moment and with the banning of diquat, growers have had to adjust to a mechanical destruction method. The Trinity 36B has been designed to come in at a really affordable price point and is the answer to numerous enquiries from people looking for the best of British but at a lower cost.

“As we want to offer a topper to suit every enquiry, we’ve also managed to create a six row topper, that by not having the folding feature, comes in at price point below the flagship Trinity 6000. We think it is a very attractive offer for people looking for a high quality fixed topper.

“The final pieces of the jigsaw are our eight and nine row toppers, and we’re delighted to say that pre-orders are now being taken and that we are hoping that LAMMA 2021 goes ahead so that we can officially launch the machine there.”

All Scotts’ toppers feature front and rear LED side lights and quick change flails for reduced downtime. The toppers offer a broad range of cutting heights and come with static shear plates that provide a “mulching” effect. Scotts has included a replaceable steel inner liner that offers excellent hood protection and the largest variation of flail lengths of any topper currently available. A brand new feature – hydraulic steering – is now available across the range and essential for hill side work.


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